New Testament

Title: Encountering Christ in the New Testament | Dr. Scott Hahn
Length: 56:49 Description: Dr. Scott Hahn delivered an address at Christendom College’s 2015 Summer Conference titled “Encountering Christ in the New Testament.” Hahn spoke on the need to renew a covenant with God through encountering Christ in the New Testament. Pointing out that a “massive amnesia has soaked into our age,” Hahn argued that all Christians must restore their “deep memory” again by truly doing all things in memory of Christ. An exceptionally popular speaker and teacher, Dr. Scott Hahn has delivered numerous talks nationally and internationally on a wide variety of topics related to Scripture and the Catholic faith. These talks have been effective in helping thousands of Protestants and fallen away Catholics to embrace the Catholic faith. A profound author of many books, Hahn received his Bachelor of Arts degree with a triple-major in Theology, Philosophy, and Economics from Grove City College, Penn., in 1979, his Masters of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 1982, and his Ph.D. in Biblical Theology from Marquette University in 1995.
Title: Bishop Barron on How to Read the Bible
Length: 7:39 Description: Another part of a video series from Bishop Barron will be commenting on subjects from modern day culture.
Title: A Catholic Style of Bible Study (Lesson 1): Foundational Principles (Part I)
Length: 54:32 Description: In this first session of a series entitled “A Catholic Style of Bible Study,” Karlo explains some of the principles that are fundamental to Catholic bible reading, such as the inspiration and inerrancy of scripture, the concept of covenant and the major periods of salvation that constitute the economy of salvation.
Title: A Catholic Style of Bible Study (Lesson 1): Foundational Principles (Part II)
Length: 37:57 Description: In this first session of a series entitled “A Catholic Style of Bible Study,” Karlo explains some of the principles that are fundamental to Catholic bible reading, such as the inspiration and inerrancy of scripture, the concept of covenant and the major periods of salvation that constitute the economy of salvation.
Title: EWTN Live – The Book of Revelation – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ with , Naji Mouawad – 05-11-2011
Length: 56:22 Description: EWTN Global Catholic Television Network: EWTN Live – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ – , Naji Mouawad, Maronite apologist – The Book of Revelation.
Title: Unless We Believe in Scripture We Can Neither Be Christians Nor Be Saved
Length: 27::58 Description: Many pagan peoples have a story similar to those in the book of Genesis. How is this possible? Where did they get these thoughts from? What does this say about modern scripture scholars today?
Title: Errors in Biblical Exegesis
Length: 1:13:30 Description: ‘It would be a miracle if one found a professor of scripture who believes what he teaches’ ~ Dr Marra William A. Marra (February 20, 1928 — December 12, 1998) was a third-party Right to life candidate for President of the United States in the United States presidential election, 1988; his running mate was Joan Andrews. They received 20,504 votes.[1] Marra had also been a candidate in the Republican and Democratic parties’ United States presidential primary in New Hampshire. In the former he received six write-in votes and in the latter received 142 votes.
Title:Our Blood Covenant with Jesus
Length: 22:40 Description: Men everywhere have always made covenants with blood. The importance of blood is difficult to understate in the Old Testament and the rituals of the Law, which foreshadow the New Testament and the new and eternal blood covenant established between God and Man with the sacrifice of Christ on the cross which we enter into in Baptism. Because we then have one and the same life as Jesus Christ, if we die in the state of grace, we too can intercede before God for the souls of others.
Title: The Canon of the Bible
Length: 9:49 Description: On Sacred Scriptures Father looks to the history of where the Bible came from & why are there less books in the Protestant version vs the Catholic Bible?
Title: New Testament Revelation ~ Ven Fulton J Sheen
Length: 28:23 Description: The Bible came out of the Church not the Church from the Bible as Our Lord never wrote nor told anyone to write.
Title: Old Testament God vs. New Testament God
Length: 7:28 Description: Many people say God acted much differently in the Old Testament than he did in the New Testament. They say the God of the New Testament is merciful and compassionate, but in the Old Testament he is often harsh and unforgiving. A thorough look at Scripture reveals that this is not the case. God is in fact merciful and just throughout the Bible. Fr. Mike clears up a great deal of confusion between the Old and New Testaments, and shows how God has stayed quite the same since before the beginning of time until now.