Communion / Eucharist

Title: Tour of the Catechism #43 – Eucharist Introduction
Length: 20:38 Description: Paragraphs 1322 – 1344 – Part Two. The Celebration Of The Christian Mystery – – Section Two. The Seven Sacraments Of The Church – – – Chapter One. The Sacraments Of Christian Initiation – – – – Article 3. The Sacrament Of The Eucharist – – – – – I. The Eucharist–Source and Summit of Ecclesial Life – – – – – II. What Is This Sacrament Called? – – – – – III. The Eucharist in the Economy of Salvation Ave Maria!
Title: Tour of the Catechism #44 – Eucharist, Liturgy, Sacrifice
Length: 19:52 Description: Paragraphs 1345 – 1372 – Part Two. The Celebration Of The Christian Mystery – – Section Two. The Seven Sacraments Of The Church – – – Chapter One. The Sacraments Of Christian Initiation – – – – Article 3. The Sacrament Of The Eucharist – – – – – IV. The Liturgical Celebration of the Eucharist – – – – – V. The Sacramental Sacrifice: Thanksgiving, Memorial, Presence Ave Maria!
Title: Tour of the Catechism #45 – Eucharist Real Presence
Length: 14:47 Description: Paragraphs 1373 – 1381 – Part Two. The Celebration Of The Christian Mystery – – Section Two. The Seven Sacraments Of The Church – – – Chapter One. The Sacraments Of Christian Initiation – – – – Article 3. The Sacrament Of The Eucharist – – – – – V. The Sacramental Sacrifice: Thanksgiving, Memorial, Presence Ave Maria!
Title: Tour of the Catechism #46 – Eucharist: Banquet & Pledge
Length: 18:03 Description: Paragraphs 1382 – 1419 – Part Two. The Celebration Of The Christian Mystery – – Section One. The Sacramental Economy – – – Chapter One. The Paschal Mystery In The Age Of The Church – – – – Article 3. The Sacrament Of The Eucharist – – – – – VI. The Paschal Banquet – – – – – VII. The Eucharist–“Pledge of the Glory to Come” – – – – – In Brief Ave Maria!
Title:The Apostles After Their First Communion
Length: 4:12 Description: All the Apostles — with the exception of Judas who betrayed Christ — received Communion at the Last Supper, and then later abandoned Christ in the Garden. Father Spitzer speaks on the topic.
Title:The Eucharist: Part 1 of 3 Series with Bishop Wack
Length: 3:36 Description: In this three-part series, Bishop Wack explains that Jesus truly is present in the Eucharist at every Mass – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Title: The Eucharist: Part 2 of 3 Series with Bishop Wack
Length: 3:50 Description: In this second series, Bishop Wack teaches us how to reverently receive the Eucharist.
Title:The Eucharist: Part 3 of 3 Series with Bishop Wack
Length: 3:45 Description: Bishop Wack teaches about receiving communion and what it does for us if we truly believe that the Eucharist is the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ.
Title: How can we know Jesus is really present in the Eucharist?
Length: 6:21 Description: Catholic Answers Live Host Patrick Coffin explains the Catholic belief in Transubstantiation to an interested caller. Catholic Answers is one of the nation’s largest lay-run apostolates of Catholic apologetics and evangelization. Its mission statement explains its purpose: Catholic Answers is an apostolate dedicated to serving Christ by bringing the fullness of Catholic truth to the world. We help good Catholics become better Catholics, bring former Catholics “home,” and lead non-Catholics into the fullness of the faith.
Title: Eucharist 101 | Catholic Central
Length: 7:22 Description: Catholics call the Eucharist “the source and summit of the Christian life.” But what does that mean? What do Catholics REALLY believe about the Eucharist? Why is it important?
Title: Why Am I Catholic? The Eucharist
Length: 9:07 Description: When a friend asked Jackie why she was still Catholic, she responded, “Because of the Eucharist.” Jesus did not tell us to remember him through song or great preaching—even though these can be good things to do to praise him. Giving his body and blood in the form of bread and wine to his disciples, he said, “Do this in memory of me.” Paraphrasing Pope Bendict XVI, Jackie explains how receiving the Eucharist is the most intimate form of connection one can have with God, and we can only receive the Eucharist in the Catholic Church.
Title: Why Non-Catholics Can’t Receive Communion
Length: 8:48 Description: Holy Communion is not just a member privilege the Catholic Church offers to Catholics. It is an expression of the pre-existing reality that the communicant believes the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Jesus. In this video, Fr. Mike thoroughly and passionately explains why the Church teaches that non-Catholics cannot receive Communion. Fr. Mike’s hope is that through his explanation, you will see how the Church’s teaching on this matter expresses its desire for all Christians to be one.
Title: The Catholic Eucharist in the Bible
Length: 5:53 Description: In this week’s Encountering the Word, reflecting on the Gospel for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jeff Cavins explains that when Jesus said he is the Bread of Life, he meant it literally.
Title: Sophia SketchPad: The Eucharist
Length: 6:38 Description: This video focuses on the Eucharist, explaining the connection between Original Sin, Christ’s death and Resurrection, and the Holy Mass.
Title: Catholic Unbelief in the Eucharist
Length: 12:24 Description: Well, a new Pew Research Center Survey was published this week that says that only 1 third of Catholics believe the Church’s teaching about the real presence of Jesus in Holy Communion. Just for some context, the Church teaches, and has always taught, that when the priest prays over the gifts of bread and wine according to a certain formula, that they substantially change into the body and blood of Jesus while remaining under the appearance of bread and wine. This is known as transubstantiation and a majority of self-proclaimed Catholics do not believe it, even though, it is central to the Catholic faith. So, this news has had a lot of Catholic talking heads… doing what they do and talking about it, just as I’m doing now, but I haven’t come across a very satisfying diagnosis for why this problem exists… which is a problem unto itself. We aren’t going to be able to move forward in treating the problem unless we properly diagnose it and while I don’t think I have all the answers, I’d like to make some suggestions about what I think is going on.
Title: The Sacrament of the Eucharist
Length: 2:57 Description:
Title: Why do we fast before receiving Holy Communion?
Length: 1:06 Description:
Title: Who is permitted to receive Communion at Catholic Mass?
Length: 1:25 Description: