Old Testament

Title: The Old Testament Points to Mary
Length: 13:17 Description: The Blessed Virgin is forshadowed by characters in the Old Testament. They are ‘types’ of her. She is also the ark of the covenant personified. How?
Title: Looking at Old Testament Types
Length: 52:28 Description: This show is a discussion of Old Testament typology. We are going to look at how certain Old Testament persons, places, and things foreshadow Jesus Christ and the New Testament realities associated with the Man-God.
Title: Mary in the Hebrew Scriptures
Length: 51:45 Description: Sister Maria Philomena, director of the Saint Augustine Institute of Wisdom, is my guest for this episode. Sister and I will discuss the typology of Mary in the Old Testament. (This is the promised sequel to my earlier show, Looking at Old Testament Types.) After firing off a list of numerous types of the Blessed Virgin Mary found in the Old Testament — including Miriam, Hannah, Sara, Judith, Esther, the Strong Woman (of Proverbs 31), Wisdom, the Daughter of Zion, and the Bride of the Canticle of Canticles — our focus lands especially on two: Eve and the Ark of the Covenant.
Title: New Testament Revelation ~ Ven Fulton J Sheen
Length: 28:23 Description: The Bible came out of the Church not the Church from the Bible as Our Lord never wrote nor told anyone to write.
Title: The Fortelling of the Crucifixion
Length: 10:20 Description: What are some types of Our Lord in the Old Testament? What are some prophecies that were fulfilled?
Title: Old Testament God vs. New Testament God
Length: 7:28 Description: Many people say God acted much differently in the Old Testament than he did in the New Testament. They say the God of the New Testament is merciful and compassionate, but in the Old Testament he is often harsh and unforgiving. A thorough look at Scripture reveals that this is not the case. God is in fact merciful and just throughout the Bible. Fr. Mike clears up a great deal of confusion between the Old and New Testaments, and shows how God has stayed quite the same since before the beginning of time until now.